Saturday 20 June 2009

Reduce your Shopping Bills......

You need a notepad and pen for this one.... Go through all of your food cupboards, your fridge and your freezer and write a list of everything that you have in there.... even the old tins of things that you have at the back of the cupboard that you have no idea why you bought it!

Next sit down and write out a weeks worth of meals made from the things that you already have in. You will be surprised at the amount of things you can make without having to buy anything else.

Then write a shopping list for everything else that you need for the week. Make sure that you stick to your list when you go shopping and you should see a big reduction in your food bills. You may find it easier to shop online as will not make any impulse purchases this way and you will also be able to see any items on special offer and can adapt your meal plan to incorporate these offers. Supermarkets like Asda deliver to most areas in the UK and regularly offer their customers voucher codes for free delivery which will cut the cost even more.

I know that this is easier said than done but if you can find the time to cook from scratch you will save a fortune. Whenever you cook something, make double and freeze half. This means that you save on both electricity and time and you will be less tempted to pop to the take away if you can't be bothered to cook. Its also a lot healthier for you and you will know exactly whats in the food you are eating.

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